Review Your 2019: Look Back, Look Forward, Make 2020 Clear

Pam Macdonald

review your 2019 - make 2020 clear

As the year draws to a close, it is important to take time to reflect on the year that was; review your 2019, in order to set the tone for 2020. Elite sports teams and good project managers complete a review process; and they use that as input for their planning and training. As a business owner, whatever the size and focus of your business, you owe it to yourself and to your business to do the same.These five questions have been tried and tested; and while you might initially think they are a little odd, why don’t you give them a go?

1. What Did You Enjoy Most In 2019?

If you enjoyed 2019, congratulate yourself and be sure to repeat the planning and structure that enabled you to enjoy 2019 and achieve business success.Many business owners started their business following a passion or a profession. As the business grows they find themselves drawn into managing and growing the business and away from the work they love. Is this you?If you review your 2019 and feel like you’ve been doing less and less of what you enjoy (and let’s face it: what we enjoy is typically what we are good at), stop and think: Perhaps it’s time in 2020 to seek some advice on how to structure your business and your work so that you get to the end of 2020 with a feeling of satisfaction.

2. What One Experience Or Decision Would You Change Or Do Differently - if you knew then what you know now?

This question helps you accept that learning from mistakes is essential and that it is a human trait to make mistakes. Its purpose is also to help limit the all-too-natural tendency to self-criticise, instead of acknowledging that you did your best with what you knew at the time.Often, this question can highlight areas of the business where you, your team and your customers would benefit if you strategically and selectively sought advice from experts around you.

3. What Is The Best Decision You Made In 2019?

The answer to this question can relate to the way you run your business. Or it may be about a decision you made to take better care of your health, so you can be more engaged in your business.When you review your 2019, it is really important to take a step back and pat yourself on the back for the best decision you made. Sometimes that decision may have been a tough one to make at the time; yet as a business owner, the buck stops with you. Give yourself credit where it is due for making a good decision.

4. To Whom Are You Most Grateful? Whose Efforts Do You Appreciate Most?

Is it a customer who doubled their business with you? Or an employee who stepped up and did an amazing job? Or a mentor who stood by you through a tough decision? Cast your mind around to identify the person (or people) who made a positive difference to you in 2019. It could be a great time to thank them! And it’s certainly a good idea to set your sights on keeping connected with them in 2020.

5. How Did You Invest In Yourself In 2019?

Many business owners become caught up in activity; so they neglect their own professional development or personal leave. Think back to how you invested in yourself; and remember that you are an important, if not an essential component in your business. You make sure you invest in your equipment and your people in order to sustain great performance. So why wouldn’t you do that for yourself? You may have engaged a coach or a mentor; or you might have participated in an industry event (no, being an exhibitor doesn’t count!)Think back on how you invested in yourself in 2019. Now consider if you want to do the same, or perhaps more, in 2020.

Be kind to yourself, Review Your 2019 And Make 2020 Clear!

These five seemingly simple questions may very well challenge you as you end 2019; they may also help you to regain connection with the successes rather than only the disappointments. The questions may also reassure you that 2019 was, on the whole and taking everything into account, a good year.Regardless of the outcome, be sure to use the answers to fuel and inform your planning and preparation for 2020.And why not review your plan for 2020 with a member of The Network Of Consulting Professionals? Contact Pam Macdonald about your plans for 2020 and beyond. If you would like to receive the Business Newsletter of The Network Of Consulting Professionals, feel free to request it today

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