The Art Of Smart Business Support

John Smith

My experience in providing business support to my customers is that there are times when we must operate in an advisory capacity, there are times we need to coach, others to mentor and sometimes we consult.

This observation by John Smith, a member of The Network Of Consulting Professionals, is shared by many other professionals in the network. As we are part of our clients' journey towards the level of success they want to achieve, we see them and their teams go through many kinds of challenges. To continuously deliver the best support, we have to match our approach and our solutions to their needs.John strongly believes that, to provide optimal business support, we need to know when to wear what hat. We also need to know when we do “not have” the expertise to fulfil an assignment. This is the key to being successful in consulting to the “SME” sector.

Building Confidence And Durable Business Relationships

Having an extensive network of professionals around you, and having the foresight to know who and when to bring in others to support and strengthen your clients, is what will make you successful and valuable in the eyes of your client.Using his network proactively is one ingredient of John's recipe for lasting engagements that deliver high customer satisfaction.

As early as possible when working with a new client I am looking to expose them to my network. This gives my clients confidence that I am connected and supported by professionals in my endeavours to help them grow and successfully manage their business.Clients understand that no one is an expert in all business matters, so having a network of experts is the first step in establishing your successful consultancy.One of my favourite sayings taught to me by an old mentor is that “You reap what you sow”.So how are you trying to help both your clients and your network to succeed?

Feel free to answer John's challenging question by commenting below on what you see as a smart way to provide effective business support.To read more from John Smith, check out his Feedback

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